A collection of rare ledgers and a bible relating to the Allihies Copper Mine, found in an attic of a house in Wales by members of the Puxley family. The ledgers were donated by the family to the Beara Historical Society a number of years ago.
The Allihies Copper Mine Museum website can be found here: acmm.ie
A grant from the Heritage Council has seen the books restored and are now on display at the museum.
Tadhg O Sullivan, Chairman of the Allihies Copper Mine would like to thank the Beara Historical society, The Heritage Council and all those involved in restoring them!
For more information see the write up by Helen Riddell in the Southern Star on this link
1st Picture: L/R: John Joseph O’Sullivan, Tadgh O’ Sullivan. Jer Looney, Niall O’Sullivan
3rd picture:
4h Picture: L/R: Jer Looney, John Joseph O’Sullivan, Ann McNally, Niall O’Sullivan and Tadhg O’Sullivan.
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