Earlier this year I did a photoshoot for Sean of Lighthouse Wood & Iron LighthouseWI which I've posted two at the bottom of the page. When he contacted me recently to photograph some new fire pits he is working on I was delighted. Here is one for a 20th Wedding anniversary isn't if fab. The couple is made form old chain and welded together you have to give credit to Sean for coming up with a fantastic idea. I even managed to get him to stand into a photo!!
Visit Sean's page here https://www.facebook.com/LighthouseWI to see more of his work. if you like to order phone Sean on 0871125903
My 2022 CALENDAR is now on sale online click here beautiful-beara-calendar-2022
For photograph's of Beautiful Beara. Visit my website shop
Call into my Gallery at West End, for a large selection of framed photographs or my calendar 2022 Beautiful Beara!! Phone 087 2386068
