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Photographs of the Beara Cheval, in memory of John O Driscoll & in aid of Scoil an Chroí Ró Naofa,

Anne Marie Cronin Photography

On Sunday last the Beara Cheval was held in Castletownbere. It was held in memory of John O Driscoll, who passed away earlier this year. John had organised the cheval in previous years and a minute silence was held in his memory before the cheval left Dunboy! The Cheval doubles as a fundraiser for Scoil an Chroí Ro Naofa who are raising money for their astro.

A large crowd gathered both to participate and watch some majestic horses parade through the town.

They proceed up the Mill Road and back to Dunboy where they were treated to Soup, Sandwiches and lovely baking all donated from the school community. The most beautiful backdrop to a beautiful day. The horses proceeded back to Castletownbere where the prize giving took place in the Wheel House Bar.

A great day out was had by all and the organisers and An Scoil an Chroí Ró Naofa would like to thank everyone who contributed, stewarded or helped in anyway.

Here are some photographs from a great day out.

If you would like to support the School, donations can be made to An Chroí Community Astro at

If you would like to purchase any of the photographs below please contact me on 0872386068 or get-in-touch each photograph has a unique number on the bottom left hand corner please have that ready when you contact me please.

Please note: All photographs are reduced in size to fit on the website and watermarked. Your photograph will be in full size and watermarked removed.

Visit my website to see more photographs of Beautiful Beara on the link below

Thank you all for your continued support. Enjoy the photographs

Photographs, Beara, Cheval, West Cork,

Photographs of the Beara Cheval in Castletownbere, Beara, West Cork before they leave to head to Dunboy.

The Cheval heads into Dunboy to enjoy a well earned rest and some refreshments before heading back to Castletownbere


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