My New Photography Gallery, Anne Marie Cronin Photography, located at West End, Castletownbere, Beara, West Cork, Opens tomorrow morning at 11am.
I have a large selection of framed photographs of Beautiful Beara
I will be open tomorrow and Saturday 11am until 5pm.
Feel free to call at any stage to say hello or have a look around.
Thanks to everyone for their support over the last few years, which have allowed me to fulfil my dream of opening this gallery.
A huge thank you to my "long suffering husband" Sean, who has supported me and had done a fantastic job making my shelving and desk and decorating the studio. I couldn't have done it without you!!
I look forward to your continued support...
Please feel free to contact me 087 2386068 if you are around over the weekend and are looking for a particular picture that you have seen in my shop and would like to know if I have it in stock!!
