Some photographs below from our down time around the City
Boston City a beautiful, friendly busy city. Lovely places to sit and enjoy the lovely marina or a short distance away a busy City. I would highly recommend a visit.
If you would like to purchase a copy of any of the photographs below please contact me on 0872386068 or get-in-touch each photograph has a unique number please have that number ready. Please wait until I have all the photographs posted before ordering as there are lots more to come.
I will also be doing a framed picture collage to commemorate the visit. You can choose between 5 to 7 photographs in one picture in a 16x12 print. Please contact me if you like to purchase one or feel free to call into the gallery to discuss.
If you would like to see photographs of the Beautiful Beara Peninsula follow this link photographs-of-beara-west-cork-on-the-wild-atlantic-way-beara-peninsula
MY BEAUTIFUL BEARA CALENDAR 2024 is now for sale on my website on the link below
Some photographs from our down time around the City
A beautiful sunset tour of Boston harbour. Watching the sun set and the lights of the city light up. At Sunset and sunrise everyday the SS Constitution fires her cannons and it was lovely to capture the event. With some great company
A visit to JFK Presidential Library and Museum.
The Museum inside is amazing. The building itself is absolutely breathtaking as are the views outside. What a week with these guys many laughs and craic! Good memories made!
A few views of Boston City by day a beautiful City. One minute your by the sea the next you in the middle of a bustling city. The people were lovely helpful and friendly.
A visit to "Cheers" Bar, Faneuil Market, and The Union Oyster House, Boston's historic Tavern. Upstairs is the JFK Booth. This was John F Kennedy's favorite booth.
Tour of Faneuil Hall and the Union Oyster House Bar were we sat at JFK Booth